Aesop’s Fables: κόραξ καὶ ἀλώπηξ (The Raven and the Fox)

Aesop for Learning Ancient Greek

Aesop’s Fables have for centuries been one of the first original texts that learners of Ancient Greek would read: they are short, entertaining and have a fairly simple grammar. However, I found that most beginners struggle quite a bit with the vocabulary of the fables (body parts of animals, for example, are not your typical core vocabulary). For this reason I created an interlinear version to make the fables more accessible. The first one I will post here is one of my favorites: κόραξ καὶ ἀλώπηξ (The Raven and the Fox).

How to Use Interlinear Texts?

As you can see, I uploaded two versions of the fable: one has just the Greek text, the other one has the English translation added. I would suggest that you first read the Greek only version, trying to figure out as much as you can. Then, next step, you can take a look at the interlinear version, checking the words and constructions you did not know.

This is, of course, just my suggestion. Feel free to use the texts however you like, share them with others, and most importantly: Enjoy!

One comment

  1. χαιρε, Jenny! Thank you for posting these tales from Aesop. They are very useful reading material for Advanced Beginners/Early Intermediates. Interesting, and not too difficult. Iain

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